
Our rigorous Welding Engineering Technology program will equip you with skills in inspection, drafting, weld design and project management. 

Guided by industry-experienced instructors, gain a comprehensive understanding of welding processes and train in quality control, welding metallurgy and fabrication techniques in state-of-the-art facilities.

As a student, you will learn the academic fundamentals of welding, structural steel design, advanced pressure vessel design, and construction and testing methodologies. 

Through these lessons, you'll develop core skills in:  

  • practical welding and welding processes 
  • code and standards competencies for structural steel, piping, vessels and pipelines 
  • blueprint reading and interpretation 
  • the utilization of mechanized welding and robotics 
  • heat treatment and metallurgy 
  • welding process and procedure development 
  • non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques 
  • project management and welding economics 
  • failure analysis methods and applications. 

As a graduate, you'll be primed for roles such as a welding specialist in engineering teams, researcher in welding technologies, supervisor in manufacturing environments, quality control and inspection officer and technical sales representative.

You'll be equipped to make meaningful contributions as a skilled technician across the manufacturing, construction, automotive and aerospace sectors. 

Take the first step towards becoming a welding engineering technologist by enrolling today.

Welding engineering technologists need:  

  • mechanical aptitude  
  • attention to detail  
  • manual dexterity and good hand-eye coordination to handle tools and materials precisely 
  • mathematical skills and proficiency in applying mathematical concepts such as geometry and trigonometry to practical situations 
  • problem-solving ability  
  • physical stamina and endurance to perform physically demanding tasks and the ability to work in various positions and environments 
  • safety consciousness.

Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.)

This program is accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC). Graduates are eligible to apply for their Certified Engineering Technology (C.E.T.) designation as long as they have completed at least two years of related technical work experience.

In Canada, a C.E.T. is an applied science, information or engineering technology professional capable of assuming responsibility and exercising independent judgment to perform technical tasks and solve problems in complex technological areas with limited direct supervision.

The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET) represents applied science and engineering technology professionals in industry, educational institutions, the public, and the government within Alberta. ASET recognizes post-secondary programs accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC). Applicants for C.E.T. who graduated from a TAC-accredited program are not required to complete the ASET Certification Exam to validate technologist-level competency. 

International Welding Technologist

This program is accredited as an International Institute of Welding (IIW) Authorized Training Body (ATB.) Our courses meet the approved training courses designed to meet all the requirements in the IIW syllabus. 

The International Institute of Welding (IIW) is a worldwide network for welding and allied joining technologies, with a current membership of 56 countries from five continents. The world is harmonizing standards, and the IIW diplomas will be the international minimum used by most countries around the world. 

Graduates of this program are eligible for the IWT Standard Route, the most direct route to becoming an International Welding Technologist (IWT). An IWT is recognized globally as having advanced knowledge and a critical understanding of welding and related technologies' theory, principles, and applicability.

Certified Welding Inspector

Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for certification under CSA W178.2 as a Level 1 Welding Inspector. A welding inspector's primary function is to monitor and perform examinations throughout a welding project. 

To perform welding inspection activities in Canada, all welding inspectors must be certified to the CSA W178.2 standard set by the Canadian Welding Bureau CBW.) The CWB administers Canada's national welding standards, certifying welding companies that create products for use within Canada and the welders and welding consumables used in their creation. 

Alberta Welding Examiner

Graduates of this program are eligible to apply to become a Welding Examiner, allowing them to conduct welder performance qualification tests and issue welder performance qualification cards on behalf of the Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA.)

ABSA administers the Safety Codes Act and regulations to deliver safety programs related to pressure equipment. ABSA is also responsible for the certification of pressure welders and welding examiners. 

After successfully completing this program, you'll receive a SAIT Welding Engineering Technology diploma.

Download program info

Careers and opportunities

Each year, SAIT conducts a survey between February and April to determine the employment rate, salary and satisfaction of our newest SAIT alumni. 

people icon 75% graduate employment rate

salary icon $80,000 average starting salary

Find out more about our graduate employment statistics >

Our graduates may work in the following occupations. Some careers require additional experience and education.

Associated National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes: 90010, 21322, 72104, 72010, 72106.


Career planning support

Unsure which career path is for you? Here are some recommended career planning resources to help you decide your future.

You can also head to Alberta alis for lots of information about careers in Alberta, including quizzes and labour market information to help you narrow down a path.

Finally, you can take our online career finder quiz, which can help narrow your options based on your current skills and interests.


The Welding Engineering Technology diploma requires 60 credits (23 courses) to complete.

The program spans two years, with two semesters each year.

View classes by semester

Course Credits

This course covers the various types of blueprints, shop prints and schematics used in an industrial setting along with the interpretation of standard symbols and abbreviations found on construction drawings, diagrams and schematics. The learner will be asked to evaluate the chemical and mechanical properties of the steel as they apply to Canadian Standards Association and American Society of Testing Materials.


In this course, learners will use computer aided drafting (CAD) software and processes to create, manipulate and plot production-ready industrial drawings.

  • COMP 220

The objective of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the proper use and interpretation of ASME Section IX and related ASME Construction Codes, including ASME Section VIII, Division 1. Basic design fundamentals of pressure vessel construction will be addressed, with specific attention given to the welding related portions of ASME Section VIII, Division 1. Learners will also be required to produce basic design calculations and detailed welding procedures within this course. Legislation and Regulations related to welding and pressure equipment in Alberta will also be addressed in detail.

  • WDSG 275
  • EMTL 201
  • WDSG 325
  • CODE 305

Professional Communication and Presentation Skills will introduce learners to the professional writing, collaboration and presentation skills needed to be successful in their chosen field.  Learners will gain an understanding of the strategies and competencies required for effective communication with an emphasis on developing the interpersonal skills needed to perform as part of a high-functioning team.  Coursework will require learners to work in individual and collaborative settings.

  • COMM 265

This practical course on computer functionality and commonly used industry software covers current productivity software to develop industry-specific solutions in the areas of communication and organization, documentation, data management, analysis, and visualization. In addition, file management techniques and best practices; security considerations such as identifying threats, safeguarding data and intellectual property; and digital citizenship and etiquette are also included.

  • BCMP 225

This course will assess the functions, responsibilities and accountability of welding inspection and examine the various aspects of inspection that may be encountered during welded structural steel construction by a welding inspector. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) W178.1 (Certification of Welding Inspection Organizations) and CSA W178.2 (Certification of Welding Inspectors) will be examined.

  • BLPR 282
  • WDSG 235

This course examines the classification, structure, properties, application and selection of common materials used in engineering applications. Material examples from each of the most common categories (ferrous alloys, non-ferrous alloys, polymers, ceramics and composites) will be examined. Other topics include casting and working of metals, heat treatment, effect of microstructure on properties, corrosion and failure analysis. Cross-referenced to the National Technology Benchmarks (NTB).

  • EMTL 232

As a learner in this course you will consider weld metal solidification and cracking, weld metal microstructure of carbon and low alloy steels, heat affected zone structures, cold cracking, slag metal and gas metal reactions, and lamellar tearing. The learner will also study the metallurgical problems encountered in welding aluminum, stainless steel and their alloys are studied. The use of non-metallic materials and specific processes in the prevention of corrosion after welding is complete is considered. There will be lab assignments in metallographic preparation and examination of weldments. Cross-referenced to the National Technology Benchmarks (NTB).

  • WDSG 275
  • EMTL 250

Members subjected to various loading conditions (axial, shear, torsion, transverse and combined) will be designed to perform safely, based on regulating bodies and industry practices. Stress concentration factors at geometry discontinuities will be applied and strength and deformation criteria of design will be used. Structural components will be analyzed for combined stress states including stress and strain transformation. Basic design of pressure vessels and the basic requirements of ASME code will be addressed. Critical loads in columns will be determined. Introduction to experimental stress analysis and to FEA for stress analysis and computer simulation will be addressed. Cross-referenced to the National Technology Benchmarks (NTB).

  • MATH 288
  • EMTL 250
  • STCS 255
  • SMTL 300

This course covers the types of Damage Mechanisms; including the general principles of failure analysis, ductile and brittle fracture, fatigue, corrosion, creep and wear. Learners will learn to conduct basic Fitness-for-Service assessments and also be introduced to Risk-Based Inspection. Projects involving industrial failures are assigned culminating in written case study reports that are based on the analytical methods including fracture mechanics and mechanical metallurgical testing results. The learner will also compile a written report based on case study analysis.

  • EMTL 280
  • CODE 315

This course is designed to introduce the learner to the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) industry. The course is designed to give the learner practical experience in the application and evaluation of multiple NDT methods. The course covers an introduction to the application and evaluation of magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant testing, radiographic testing and ultrasonic testing, as well as overviews of eddy current and visual testing. Lecture and lab exercises are designed to give students an awareness of common certification systems and requirements, quality metrics, inspection, reporting and specification/code compliance.

  • INSP 303

This course enables the student to apply the basic knowledge of algebra and introductory calculus to resolve applied scientific and technological problems. Applications include linear motion, areas under curves, and volumes of revolution.

  • MATH 235

This course enables the student to apply advanced algebra, integral and differential calculus methodologies to scientific and technological applications. Topics include trigonometric and transcendental calculus, methods of integration, specifically integration by parts, by trigonometric substitution, and by use of tables. Applications include linear motion, areas under curves, volumes of revolution, centroids, moments of inertia, and program-relevant applications.

  • MATH 238
  • MATH 285

Project Management introduces you to the standards and best practices of the Project Management Institute. We will cover both the technical and sociocultural components of project management at an introductory level, including project definition, work breakdown structures, cost and scheduling techniques, and an introduction to earned value concepts. Stakeholder communications, risk management, project leadership, and project closure round out the topic coverage.

  • MNGT 2321

This course takes an engineering approach to deal with the physics of technology and problem-solving. The following introductory topics are covered: statics, gas laws, electricity, energy, and heat. Hands-on laboratories supplement lecture topics.


Learners will be assigned a research project that uses organizational skills, planning, welding processes, destructive and non-destructive testing methods to design a welding procedure to the appropriate code or standard assigned. All information is compiled into a formal technical report.

  • WDSG 325
  • CODE 315
  • COMM 256
  • EMTL 280
  • WDSG 375
  • PROJ 311

In this course the learner will develop an understanding of the integration of computers in connection with design, manufacturing and production methods, Computer Automated Design (CAD). Additionally, the learner will develop an understanding of the integration of computers with automatic welding processes. The concept of Lean Manufacturing will be introduced to enhance the understating of automated manufacturing systems. As a student, the learner will plan and design a project that will utilize advanced/robotic welding equipment as well as a Lean Manufacturing system.

  • WDSG 275

STAT 245 is an introductory course in data analysis for students in engineering technology programs. Students apply techniques to organize, display, analyze and report data. Outcomes include methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will be exposed to software-based methods in laboratory sessions using industry-grade data. Some advanced topics of analysis are selectable toward the end of the course.


This course covers components and resultants of vectors, two-force members, free-body diagrams, equations of equilibrium, equilibrium of concurrent force systems and pulley systems, moments and couples, equilibrium of non concurrent force systems, truss analysis using method of joints and method of sections, and frame analysis using method of members.

  • STCS 200
  • STCS 242

Learners will study the theory and safe practices of welding, while utilizing the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), Oxygen Acetylene Welding (OAW) and cutting processes. There will be the opportunity to record weld economy parameters as well as develop weld examination skills using non-destructive examination. Cross-referenced to the National Technology Benchmarks (NTB).

  • WDSG 225

Welding and Inspection Practices II presents the opportunity to study the theory and practice of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Plasma Arc Welding (PAW), Gouging (CAC-A) and Cutting (PAC). With an approach that combines a theoretical and laboratory learning opportunity, learners will explore how to evaluate cost control factors applied to the design and fabrication of weldments including: deposition efficiency, deposition rate, operating factor, process selection, control of over welding and electrode selection. As part of lab work, learners will calculate a cost estimate to establish labour, overhead and material costs including consumables and fuel gases for steel fabrication. Cross-referenced to the National Technology Benchmarks (NTB).

  • WDSG 235

Learners will initiate and implement a quality management system which will include planning and developing a quality control turn over package based on an end user Quality Assurance requirements. Learners will also interpret and construct various piping systems using pipeline welding and construction methods. Welding procedures will be designed and applied in the production and testing of a variety of welded pipe joints to CSA Z662, ASME B31.3, and ASME Section IX standards.

  • WDSG 275
  • CODE 315

Learners will manufacture a pressure vessel, assessing all design, quality assurance and inspection criteria as outlined in the program outcomes and objectives. The pressure vessel may be subjected to physical testing. Learners will complete documentation and reports to the requirements of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC).

  • BLPR 282
  • CODE 315
  • WDSG 325
  • PROJ 377


You must attain a PGPA and/or a CGPA of 2.0 or better each semester and pass the prerequisite courses to progress through the program.

To qualify for graduation, you must pass all courses, attain a CGPA of 2.0 or better and complete course requirements within the prescribed timelines.

Review our grading and progression procedure > 


Explore your options!

Some courses in this program are available through Open Studies. You can complete courses via Open Studies to get a head start on your education, reduce your course load once accepted into a credentialed program, or determine which career path best suits you before you fully commit. 

You may also take courses for general interest or personal and professional development.

Admission requirements

Applicants educated in Canada

Applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency and completion of the following courses or equivalents:

  • at least 50% in Math 30-1 or at least 70% in Math 30-2, and
  • at least 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or English Language Arts 30-2, and
  • at least 50% in Chemistry 20 or Science 30.

SAIT accepts high school course equivalents for admission for applicants educated outside Alberta.

All applicants who were educated outside of Canada must demonstrate English language proficiency and provide proof they meet the program admission requirements outlined above with an international document assessment. Find accepted educational documents and assessment options

SAIT may also accept courses completed at certain international post-secondary institutions.


Academic Upgrading

Missing an admission requirement for this program? Upgrade your prior education to help you receive admission into one of SAIT's career programs.


English language proficiency

All applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency prior to admission, including students educated in Canada.

Transfer agreements

At SAIT, we evaluate post-secondary credit you have previously earned and apply it to your SAIT credential. Explore our formal transfer agreements available for this program.

We can evaluate your prior education, even if we don't have a formal agreement in place.

Submit a transfer credit application

There are no formal transfer agreements currently in place for this program.

Transfer options for graduates

Build on the knowledge you’ve learned at SAIT. The opportunity to advance your education at an accredited post-secondary institution may be available.

🔗 Visit Transfer Alberta search tool for all transfer agreements in Alberta (including UCalgary, MRU and BVC).

If there are transfer agreements with other institutions outside of Alberta, nationally or internationally, they will be listed below.

Available intakes

Fall 2025

Start dates:

Domestic students: Waitlisted
  • Application deadline: June 30, 2025
International students: Open
  • Application deadline: May 30, 2025


2025/26 tuition and fees

The following estimated costs are effective as of July 1, 2025.

The estimated total cost of tuition and fees is based on the suggested schedule of study. Following a modified schedule will impact the fees you pay per semester and may alter final costs.

Domestic students

The estimated total cost of tuition and fees for domestic students is based on the recommended course load per year.
Year Number of semesters Tuition fees Additional fees Total per year
1 2 $8,520 $1,668.60 $10,188.60
2 2 $8,520 $1,668.60 $10,188.60
Total cost:

The program total is based on the estimated amount you will pay if you enter this program during the 2025/26 academic year. The program total amount listed on your letter of admission may appear higher. This amount is your maximum tuition guarantee for the program. SAIT will not exceed this maximum, regardless of changes in tuition and fees between academic years.

The estimated total cost of tuition and fees for international students is based on the recommended course load per year.
Year Number of semesters Tuition fees Additional fees Total per year
1 2 $21,900 $1,668.60 $23,568.60
2 2 $21,900 $1,668.60 $23,568.60
Total cost:

Books and supplies are approximately $1,600 in the first year and $1,000 in the second year.

This is a bring-your-own-device program with a standard computer hardware and software requirement. See the specific requirements on our computers and laptops page.

Find your booklist on the SAIT Bookstore's website. The booklist will be available closer to the program start date. Can't find your program or course? The bookstore didn't receive a textbook list. Contact your program directly to determine if they're still refining course details or if you're in luck; no textbook purchase is required this term.

Required equipment/tools

Your tools will be provided.

Required personal protective equipment (PPE)

You will require CSA-approved steel-toe boots and safety glasses, welding gloves, earplugs (supplied), a good-quality welding helmet and FR coveralls or an appropriate welding helmet. 

We recommend waiting to purchase your equipment until after you start the program. We will discuss the industry-approved PPE in class.


Financial aid

Paying for your education may feel overwhelming, but we have resources and programs that can help, including information about payment options, student loans, grants and scholarships.

Application process

Ready to apply?

Follow our step-by-step guide to submitting a successful application.

Learn how to apply

Communication during admission

Email is the primary source of communication during the selection process. Ensure your personal email account is managed appropriately to receive our emails, files and communications. We recommend you add the ma.info@sait.ca domain to your safe senders' list or you risk missing critical email messages.


Begin your application

Apply now using the online application portal. 

Ensure you have a valid Visa or Mastercard to pay the non-refundable application fee of $120 for domestic applicants or $175 for international applicants. 

Information sessions

Prepare for a strong start in your chosen program or get the details you need to decide your future path.

Our expert staff and faculty are ready to answer your questions and provide information about the following:

  • What sets SAIT apart
  • An introduction to the program and area of study
  • Admission requirements
  • Future career paths
  • Information on the earning potential and graduate employment rates.

Contact us

School of Manufacturing and Automation Advising


International Student Advising

a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.