These documents are provided for reference only, and official signed copies may be obtained from the Board of Governors Office.
- AC.1.5 Admission Policy
Programs and curriculum
- AC.2.1
Academic Year Policy
- AC.2.1.1 Academic Year Procedure
- AC.2.4 Advisory Committees Policy
- AC.2.11
Intellectual Property Policy
- AC.2.11.1
Intellectual Property Procedure
- AC.2.11.1 Schedule A - Technology Disclosure Form
- AC.2.11.2
Revenue Sharing and Commercialization Procedure
- AC.2.11.1
Intellectual Property Procedure
- AC.2.12
Copyright of External Materials Policy
- AC.2.12.1
Copyright of External Materials Procedure
- AC.2.12.1
Schedule A - Fair Dealing Policy
- AC.2.12.1
Schedule A - Fair Dealing Policy
- AC.2.12.1
Copyright of External Materials Procedure
- AC.2.13
Field Trips Policy
- AC.2.13.1 Field Trips Procedure
- AC.2.13.2 Study Abroad Procedure
- AC.2.13.3
Study Canada Procedure
- AC.2.13.3 Schedule A – Group Study Canada Program Guide (under development)
- AC.2.13.3 Schedule B – Emergency Communication Protocol
- AC.2.13.3 Schedule C – Participant Agreement
- AC.2.17
Credentials Policy
- AC.2.17.1
Credentials Procedure
- AC.2.17.1 Schedule A - Credentials Summary
- AC.2.17.1 Schedule A - Credentials Summary
- AC.2.17.1
Credentials Procedure
- AC.2.18
Academic Freedom Policy
- AC.2.19 Program Quality Assurance Policy
- AC.2.20 Work-Integrated Learning Policy
- AC.2.21
Open Educational Resources Policy
- AC.2.21.1
Open Educational Resources Procedure
- AC.2.21.1
Open Educational Resources Procedure
- AC.2.22 Academic Scheduling Policy
- AC.2.22.1
Academic Scheduling Procedure
- AC.2.22.1 Schedule A - Scheduling Appeals Committee
- AC.2.22.1 Schedule B - Late change requests
- AC.2.22.1 Schedule C - Decision matrix
- AC.2.22.1
Academic Scheduling Procedure
- AC.2.23
Indigenous Students Policy
- AC.2.23.1
Indigenous Students Procedure
- AC.2.23.1
Indigenous Students Procedure
- AC.2.24
Curriculum Review Policy
- AC.2.24.1 Curriculum Review Procedure
- AC.2.24.2 Course Outlines and Course Maps Procedure
Student performance and behaviour
- AC.3.1 Grading and Progression Policy
- AC.3.2
Course Deficiencies Policy
- AC.3.2.1
Course Deficiencies Procedure
- AC.3.2.1
Course Deficiencies Procedure
- AC.3.3
Evaluation of Student Learning Policy
- AC.3.3.1
Invigilation and Security of Examinations Procedure
- AC.3.3.1 Schedule A - Record of Suspected Academic Dishonesty
- AC.3.3.1 Schedule B - Process to Accommodate Religious Observances
- AC.3.3.3
Retention of Examinations Procedure
- AC.3.3.1
Invigilation and Security of Examinations Procedure
- AC.3.4
Student Code of Conduct Policy
- AC.3.4.2 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- AC.3.4.3
Student Academic Conduct
- AC.3.4.3 Schedule A - Examples of Student Academic Misconduct
- AC.3.4.3 Schedule B - First Offence Procedures and Appeal Procedures
- AC.3.4.3 Schedule C - Second Offence and Third Offence Procedures and Appeal Procedures
- AC.3.4.3 Schedule D - Academic Misconduct Hearing Processes and Principles
- AC.3.4.3 Schedule E - Use of Text-Matching Software - Guiding Principles
- AC.3.4.3 Schedule F - Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teaching and Learning
- AC.3.4.4
Student Non-Academic Conduct
- AC.3.4.4 Schedule A - Examples of Student Non-Academic Misconduct
- AC.3.4.4 Schedule B - Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedures
- AC.3.4.4 Schedule C - Non-Academic Conduct Appeal Procedures
- AC.3.4.4 Schedule D -Non-Academic Misconduct Hearing Processes and Principles
- AC.3.4.4 Schedule E - Sanctions for Non-Academic Misconduct
- AC.3.4.5
Student Behaviours of Concern
- AC.3.8 Attendance Requirements Policy
- AC.3.10 Ownership of Student-Produced Work Policy
- AC.3.15
Death of a Student Policy
- AC.3.15.1
Death of a Student Procedure
- AC.3.15.1 Schedule A - Notifications and Responsibilities
- AC.3.15.1 Schedule B - On-Campus Death
- AC.3.15.1 Schedule B - Off-Campus Death SAIT Activity (In Canada)
- AC.3.15.1 Schedule B - Off-Campus Death Non-SAIT Activity (In Canada)
- AC.3.15.1
Schedule B - Off-Campus Death Outside Canada (Study Abroad)
- AC.3.15.1
Death of a Student Procedure
- AC.3.16 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy
- AC.3.18
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
- AC.3.18.1 Recognition of Prior Learning - Credit Courses
- AC.3.18.2 Recognition of Prior Learning - Non-Credit Courses
- AC.3.18.3 Articulation
- AC.3.18.3
Schedule A - Roles and Responsibilities
- AC.3.18.3
Schedule A - Roles and Responsibilities
- AC.3.19
Student Leaves Policy
- AC.3.19.1 Student Leaves Procedure
Applied research
- AC.4.1 Applied Research Services Policy
- AC.4.2
Research Integrity Policy
- AC.4.2.2
Research Code of Conduct Procedure
- AC.4.2.2
Research Code of Conduct Procedure
- AC.4.3
Treatment of Animals Policy
- AC.4.3.1
Treatment of Animals Procedure
- AC.4.3.1
Treatment of Animals Procedure
- AC.4.4
Human Research Policy
- AC.4.4.1
Research Requiring Ethics Review Procedure
- AC.4.4.1 Schedule A - Research Ethics Board Terms of Reference
- AC.4.4.1 Schedule B (under review)
- AC.4.4.2 Free and Informed Consent Procedure
- AC.4.4.3
Privacy and Confidentiality Procedure
- AC.4.4.1
Research Requiring Ethics Review Procedure
- AC.4.5
Scholarly Activity and Applied Research Policy
- AC.4.5.1 Scholarly Activity Procedure
Student services
- AC.6.1 Student Employment Assistance Policy
- AC.6.2
Student Clubs Policy
- AC.6.2.1
Student Clubs Procedure
- AC.6.2.1
Student Clubs Procedure
- AC.6.3 Co-Curricular Recognition Policy
Our Organization

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.
SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.
We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.