New Camp!

Investment Masters

Grades 7 - 9

Master strategies for a confident financial future.

About the camp

Learn about investing without risking any of your own cash!

Investment Masters gives you the chance to build a mock portfolio and learn how to profit from the stock market.

Speak with experts, learn what different terms mean, look at real-world examples, and start to build up your own portfolio.

As you learn more about investments, decide which ones might fit you best. Some are riskier than others, of course, so you could lose some or all of your money in the process, but don’t worry – it’s only practice cash!

Whatever happens, by the end of the week you’ll be on your way to becoming a real investment master.

Camp schedule

Camp dates Cost Availability
Jul 15 - 19 $400 Closed
Jul 29 - Aug 02 $400 Closed
Aug 12 - 16 $400 Closed

Three steps to register

Complete the following steps to enroll your child(ren) in our camps.

1. Register now 2. Check out the first day checklist 3. Read our camp policies and procedures

Camps to careers

This particular camp relates to the following SAIT programs:

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Business Administration - Financial Services Major
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