New Camp!

Supply Chain Commanders

Grades 4 - 6

Explore the world of efficient logistics and supply chain management.

About the camp

A fierce storm on Mars has damaged much of the SAIT colony, and we need to find a way to get supplies up to them as soon as we can if they are to survive! Join SAIT Mission Control and help plan out the rescue mission, such as prioritizing what the colonists need, how we can get it to them, and what we can do to complete urgent repairs on vital machinery when the only parts are on a different planet. Remember that sending ships to Mars is never easy, and you’ll have to be prepared for every eventuality if this mission is to be successful!

Camp schedule

Camp dates Cost Availability
Jul 29 - Aug 02 $380 Closed

Three steps to register

Complete the following steps to enroll your child(ren) in our camps.

1. Register now 2. Check out the first day checklist 3. Read our camp policies and procedures

Camps to careers

This particular camp relates to the following SAIT programs:

Dual-Credit Introduction to Business
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Business Administration - Supply Chain Management Major
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