If youth development is a priority for your organization, SAIT Summer Camps would like to work with you to achieve your goals. SAIT Summer Camps' focus on trades, culinary, applied science, engineering, business, information technology and media arts and supports career exploration in areas not easily investigated by youth or offered within the K-12 system. Through SAIT Summer Camps, youth can discover different careers and interests and make informed academic and career decisions.

SAIT Summer Camps operates on a cost recovery basis. In order to make our camps accessible to as many children and youth as possible, we seek ways to keep our camp tuition fees low.

Benefits of sponsorship for the campers

  • opportunity to experience and further a passion that may be inaccessible otherwise
  • grow knowledge and appreciation of varied career options
  • gain the ability to make informed decisions about high school and career studies
  • partake in industry activities led by SAIT instructors or industry professionals

Benefits of sponsorship for the camp

  • provision of camp bursaries to deserving candidates
  • curriculum enhancement
  • supplementation of funds towards operational camp necessities

Benefits of sponsorship for the sponsor

  • aid in the growing interest and youth demand for trade-oriented careers
  • develop a positive image of your business and/or industry
  • have your name associated with SAIT Summer Camps as it continues to grow
  • build name-brand recognition with our youth demographic, including families and parents, through company branded camp materials and literature.

Additional information

For more information about sponsorship for SAIT Summer Camps, please contact us.

Contact us

SAIT Summer Camps
