LAUNCH Workshops and Chinook Lodge

Grades: 9-12

Launch Workshops is excited to partner with Chinook Lodge in two workshops tailored to support the needs and success of Indigenous youth in the community. These Launch workshops are co-facilitated between Chinook Lodge and Youth Programs staff, creating an experience that meets youth where they are in their educational journey.

For more information, visit the Community Outreach page or contact the Chinook Lodge team at  ​

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Grades: 4-12

SAIT’s camp programs offer children and youth the opportunity to explore their interests and learn about career pathways in an engaging, safe, and fun learning environment. ​

SAIT offers specialized youth programs and welcomes new partnerships. ​

Specialized programs can include: ​

  • an overnight camp for Gr. 9-12 students that includes staying on campus in SAIT residence. ​
  • a camp experience facilitated by SAIT within your community, or ​
  • work with a Youth Programs Coordinator to develop a new program that fits your interests.​

Past camp program examples include:​​

  • Montana Band program — 2-week summer experience for junior high and high school youth from Maskwacis; skill-building and post-secondary awareness​​

For more information, visit the Summer Camps page or reach out to the Summer Camps team at ​

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Digital Youth programs

Grades: 6-10

Digital Youth Programs offer educational pathways and programs that engage youth in new and emerging technologies to spark curiosity and nurture digital literacy. ​

Through the scaffolded stages of awareness, mindset and skills, students will have the opportunity to delve into workshops and programs to explore vast opportunities through digital transformation.

For more information, visit the Digital Youth programs page. ​

Interested in creating a digital program specialized for your community? Reach out to the DX Youth team at​

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Dual-Credit programs

Grades: 11-12

SAIT gives youth a head start in their post-secondary journey by partnering with school boards and industry to offer dual-credit programming. These programs allow students to graduate with their high school diploma as well as a post-secondary credential or course credit. ​

Past program examples include: ​​

  • Dual-Credit with Morley Community High School — two-semester long program where students received 2 SAIT post-secondary credits and 5 high school credits. This program was a blended approach between a high school foods teacher and a SAIT instructor. The program was primarily delivered at Morley Community High school with some days on SAIT campus.

Interested in dual-credit programming? Visit the dual-credit page or reach out the Dual Credit team at

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Dual-Credit with Mînî Thnî Community School
Montana Band program

Foundations Programs

Grades: 10-12

SAIT offers a variety of programs that introduce high school students to transition strategies while creating awareness of prospective careers. ​

Past program examples include: ​

  • Turning Points — 2-week program providing experiential learning and post-secondary awareness to vulnerable high school youth​

We support new partnerships and encourage you to visit the Youth Foundations page or reach out to a Youth Programs Coordinator at to discuss finding a program that fits your interests.​

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Additional information

If you have an alternative program idea, please reach out. For more information on how to create a program that fits your needs, reach out to

Still looking for more information on SAIT programs or SAIT Indigenous resources? Please reach out to Chinook Lodge or book a recruitment presentation on SAIT programs by filling out the form below.

Contact us

Chinook Lodge


Youth Initiatives
