Youth Programs

At SAIT, we're dedicated to offering a variety of programs that aim to educate, empower and excite young minds. With offerings for youth in Grades 4 to 12, our programs provide authentic, engaging, and meaningful learning experiences for youth.

Young kids crafting and smiling


Grades 11 & 12

Our dual-credit programs and courses allow students to graduate with their high school diploma as well as a post-secondary credential or course credits.

Check out these programs

Dual-Credit Aircraft Systems
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Dual-Credit Pre-Employment Pipetrades
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All dual-credit programs & courses

Summer Camps

Grades 4 - 12

SAIT Summer Camps encourages children and youth in Grades 4 - 12 to explore interests and future career options, learn new things and make connections.

Check out these camps

Advertising Adventures
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Introduction to Digital Transformation
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All summer camps programs

Digital Youth: Art of the possible

Grades 6 - 10

Digital Youth: Art of the Possible Workshops are experiences where students will engage with emerging technologies to discover the evolving applications of digital in our daily lives and industry. Designed for students in Grades 6 – 10, students will leave with the understanding of what digital means and how digital is changing the future landscape of career pathways. Open to classes and also as parent & youth workshops.

Check out these workshops

Cyber Security
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Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
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All Digital Youth workshops

Youth Foundations Programs

Grades 10 – 12

Our programs provide participants with foundational skills in the program areas and introduces them to post-secondary life. Youth Foundations programs allow students to earn high school CTS and/or work experience credits.

Check out these programs

Foundations in Emergency Response
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Foundations in Metal Trades
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All Youth Foundations programs

Indigenous Youth

We offer a variety of program offerings, including, dual-credit, digital youth, career exploration, camps, and exploratory & transition programs for Aboriginal youth.

Student smiling at the camera

Are you a teacher, school counselor or a community organization leader?

We have additional information and resources available for you to help support your student's journey to post-secondary. Please complete the following form and let us know what additional resources you are looking for. 

SAIT Youth Initiatives

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Minors on Campus Policies and Procedures

Read minors on campus policies and procedures