Digital Intelligence and Digital Citizenship
Discover tools and a knowledge framework for success in the digital age.
Designed for Grades 6 - 12

This foundational workshop will introduce students to the eight core aspects of Digital Intelligence (DQ) and explore how digital is more than just technology. From “traditional” intelligence (IQ) to emotional intelligence (EQ) and now DQ. Students will collaborate, debate, and challenge their assumptions of what “digital” is and explore our individual roles as Digital Citizens in an ever-evolving digital society.
Workshop objectives and outcomes
- Awareness of Digital Intelligence and Digital Citizenship
- Understand the 8 core characteristics of Digital Intelligence
- Recognize that “digital” is more than technology and can be found in all industries
- Explore our role as digital citizens in a digital society
Learning competencies
- I can define “Digital Intelligence”
- I can define “Digital Citizenship”
- I am aware of the importance of “digital” in my own life and in all industries
- I understand the 8 core characteristics of Digital Intelligence