Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Just how smart is a computer, anyway? Learn all about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and in this hands-on workshop.
Designed for Grades 6 - 12

This workshop will explore the emerging technologies of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML and AI). Students will get hands-on with various machine-learning tools and build functional machine-learning models with a Teachable Machine that can recognize everyday objects.
Workshop objectives and outcomes
- Awareness of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how we use them daily.
- Understand how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are used in industry.
- Understand the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
- Enable a machine to accurately predict and recognize known objects using Google's Teachable Machine.
Learning competencies
- I can define I can define “Digital Intelligence.”
- I can define “artificial intelligence and machine learning”.
- I understand where and how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be applied in daily life and industry.
- I understand the difference between supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning in Machine Learning.