Tax receipts for 2024
Tax information for 2024, including T2202 and T4A forms, will be available in mySAIT starting Friday, February 28. In the meantime, log in to mySAIT to verify that your social insurance number (SIN) and address are correct.
The T2202 (Tuition and Enrolment Certificate) is a tuition and education tax credit certificate issued by a post-secondary institution to certify a student's eligibility for tuition tax credit.
The T4A (Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income) is a slip issued by a post-secondary institution for amounts that were paid to recipients who received scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, study grants (awards), honorariums in a tax year. For further details, please see the CRA website.
What's new?
- T2202 vs. T2202A – The form name changed from T2202A to T2202 effective the 2019 tax year and all tax years moving forward.
- Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) – Effective the 2019 tax year, post-secondary institutions are now required to provide the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with the social insurance numbers from qualifying students for the T2202 Tuition Tax Credit. Please refer to the CRA website for more information.
- T4A – will be available in mySAIT on February 28. Those who do not have access to mySAIT will receive a T4A by mail.
- $0 T2202 – Effective 2020, institutions are now required to file $0 T2202’s for students who have not paid their tuition fees.
Tax documents (T2202, T4A) are issued to students who are over 16 years of age before the end of the taxation year. Students who were less than 16 years of age before the end of the taxation year (January to December) and who took courses at the post-secondary level can obtain their tax documents by submitting a request ticket through Freshdesk. Please be sure to include your student ID in your request.
To be eligible for the tuition tax credit, you must have total eligible tuition fees exceeding $100 in a taxation year. Students must be enrolled in a course of studies considered post-secondary level education, or a course of studies that allows the student to obtain or improve skills in an occupation in order to be eligible for a T2202.
Tax receipts for 2024
Tax information for 2024, including T2202 and T4A forms, will be available in mySAIT starting Friday, Feb. 28. In the meantime, log in to mySAIT to verify your social insurance number (SIN) and address are correct.
No, Academic Upgrading is not eligible as these high school level courses prepare the student for future program enrollment, not provide or obtain skills in an occupation.
The T2202 form only reflects the eligible fees for courses occurring within a tax year. Not all fees that are paid are eligible fees. The T2202 only covers terms of studies that occur during the tax year in which you attended training or classes, not when you paid for the tuition.
For example:
- If you paid for your courses in 2024 but they didn't start until 2025, you will be eligible for a T2202 form in 2025 (available in February 2026).
- If you are in a course that runs from November 2024 to February 2025, the amount that will be reflected on your 2024 return will be pro-rated based on the number of hours that occurred in 2024.
Academic fees, admission fees, charges for the use of library or laboratory facilities, examination fees, application fees (but only if the student later enrolls in the institution), charges for a certificate, diploma, or degree, mandatory computer service fees, only books that are included in the total fees for a correspondence course and athletic and health services fees.
Student Association fees, medical expenses, transportation and parking, meals and lodging, costs of goods of lasting value that you will keep (for example uniforms), professional association fees, cost of books not included in correspondence course fees, UPass charges, upgrading and leisure class fees.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) considers you a full-time student if you attend a minimum of 10 hours of instruction time per week for three consecutive weeks.
You will be considered a part-time student if you attend at least three consecutive weeks to equal a minimum of 12 hours of instruction time in a month.
The definitions above are from the CRA and may differ from SAIT's definition of a full-time or part-time student.
Sports and summer camps do not qualify as tuition so a T2202 form is not produced. Effective the 2017 tax year, the Child Fitness Tax credit has been eliminated.
Registration receipts can be obtained by contacting SAIT's Finance Department by submitting a request ticket through Freshdesk. Please be sure to include your child's full name and date of birth in your request.
Students who received a scholarship, bursary, honorarium, grant or other financial support from SAIT for that tax year will receive a T4A, which can be accessed in mySAIT.
Non-incorporated vendors who supplied service to SAIT during the prior tax year will also receive a T4A.
Students who received a student award, honorarium or other income for that tax year will receive a T4A, which can be accessed in mySAIT.
Please refer to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Taxes for International Students Studying in Canada. For any additional questions, please refer to the CRA website or call 1.800.959.8281.
Getting your tax documents
Tax documents (T2202 and T4A) are available through mySAIT.
We recommend you use a computer to access tax forms. You may have issues accessing the documents with a mobile device.
- Log in to mySAIT.
- Select myStudent from the dropdown under the mySAIT tab.
- Under Finance Information, select Student Tax Receipts (T2202 and T2202A) or Other Income Tax Slips (T4A).
- Choose the tax year from the drop-down menu.
- Click the name of the document.
- Click Printable Version. If you're unable to view the PDF, check the right side of the address bar for a pop-up blocker and allow pop-ups. If you're having problems, log out and try again using a different web browser.
Ensure you have cleared your cache in your internet browser, then try to login again.
- your username = your SAIT student email address
- your original password = the password you last used to access your SAIT student email address
If you continue to experience login issues, please contact Service desk at 403.774.5200 or email for assistance.
T2202/T2202A forms from 2015 and on are currently available on mySAIT.
To obtain a T4A from a previous year please submit a request ticket through Freshdesk.
Please be sure to include your full name, SAIT ID number (if applicable), date of birth and your mailing address in your email. Prior year T4A can only be mailed out.
Faxing and emailing of the T2202/T2202A and T4A forms is not available for privacy reasons.
No. You can still use your T2202/T2202A and T4A form if the address is incorrect, but you should update your address in mySAIT for future correspondence.
- Log into mySAIT.
- On the mySAIT page, select Personal Information in the Change Personal Information section.
- Locate your current address and select the edit button.
This error message means that there is no eligible tuition credit for you in the tax year that you have selected. Press the back button on your browser to return to the previous page and select a different tax year.
If tax documents are expected please submit a request ticket through Freshdesk.
This error message means that there is no T2202 or T4A information available for you currently. This may happen when the T2202 or T4A information has not been released to students. Please log in to the system when the tax document information is released.
Social Insurance Numbers
Social Insurance Numbers
Effective the 2019 tax year, post-secondary institutions are required to provide the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with the social insurance numbers from qualifying students for the T2202 Tuition Tax Credit. Please refer to the CRA website for more information.
The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9-digit number that you need to be able work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits.
Information on how to apply for a SIN can be found on the Government of Canada website.
Only if a non-resident has earned income and is filing a Canadian tax return.
In accordance with CRA recommendations, amendments to tax forms will done for taxable calculations only. Any personal information that is updated after February 28, 2025 will be reflected on the 2025 tax form.
If you have additional questions about your tax documents or the tuition amount reflected, contact SAIT's Finance department by submitting a request ticket through Freshdesk.
For questions related to completing your income tax return, refer to the CRA website or call 1.800.959.8281.
Tuition and Financial Aid

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.
SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.
We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.