Information literacy is an important life skill to navigate the vast information landscape effectively. The Library's goal is to teach students how to efficiently find high-quality information, evaluate the quality of that information, and effectively use it in their assignments and projects.
Sessions can be tailored to a specific assignment, tool, or need and take place in person or online. The Library has a dedicated computer lab to host in-person sessions. For online synchronous sessions, our default mode of delivery is through Zoom. We can be flexible in our delivery for both modes and come to your classroom or preferred meeting space upon request. Online asynchronous instruction and support is also an option.
The Library Instruction calendar displays all upcoming library instruction sessions. If you would like to book on a date and time that is already scheduled, please submit your booking, and we will contact you to discuss options.
Requests for library instruction require two weeks' notice.
For more information, please get in touch with the Coordinator of Information Literacy & Instruction.
Types of instruction
The Library offers the following two sessions.
Introduction to research skills
The Introduction to Research Skills session is based on a standardized set of learning outcomes. It is required for all face-to-face and online synchronous sections of COMN220, COMM238, COMM256, COMM265, and COMM1070 and strongly recommended for other diploma and degree programs that have not yet had a library session.
In an Introduction to Research Skills session, students will:
- discuss elements of an effective search strategy
- locate a wide variety of information sources
- discuss the importance of evaluating sources
- understand ethical issues related to information use.
Students in these sessions typically complete the Library's Research Skills Assignment, marked by the librarian who taught the class and is worth 5%.
Research skills assignment template
Custom research skills
These sessions are advanced and customized for your need. Typically, these sessions will build upon students' knowledge in an Introduction to Research Skills session. It is recommended that your students take the Introduction to Research Skills session to build a foundation for the more advanced topics explored.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- advanced searching in subject-specific databases
- finding and using specialized industry information
- searching on the web (Google, Google Scholar)
- finding data and statistics
- advanced information evaluation
- using citation management software (Mendeley, Zotero).
Online learning support
Librarians can create or adapt existing digital learning objects, videos, and guides to support projects and assignments in your class.
Typically, more extensive projects require lead time for development and testing to ensure longevity and provide students with the best learning experience.
Embedded librarian
At SAIT, embedded librarian activities emphasize integrated instruction and support with students over a full or partial semester.
Embedded librarianship is recommended for classes where students will be completing larger research projects, as there has been a demonstrated benefit to students' confidence and research skills through this approach to instruction.
Embedded librarian support can be offered face-to-face (in-person and online synchronous), blended, or fully asynchronous modes.
The librarian may provide instruction to the entire class in sequential or co-taught instruction in classes, online postings, live chats or video tutorials and through individualized research and citation assistance to your students.
Citation support
The mechanics of citations are taught in Communications courses for most diploma and degree programs at SAIT.
Upon request, the Library can teach citations to all other courses as a component of a library instruction session if students require a refresher or do not take a Communications course. The Library also offers walk-up citation support at the desk and bookable one-on-one meetings with librarians for citation questions.
One-on-one support
Librarians are available for one-on-one research consultations for students, faculty and staff. You can check availability and schedule a meeting online.
Chat with us
Require further assistance from the library? Start a live online chat with our library staff.
Contact us
Reg Erhardt Library
MC111, Stan Grad Centre,
SAIT Main Campus
Phone - 403.284.8616
Email -
Reg Erhardt Library

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.
SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.
We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.