Allie Mastin, MacPhail School of Energy librarianAllie Mastin

Phone: 403.284.8515
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC114

Schedule a meeting with Allie

Allie is an Instruction Librarian and the dedicated librarian for MacPhail School of Energy.

MacPhail School of Energy guides and e-resources

Kristian McInnisKristian McInnis

Phone: 403.210.5840
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC128

Schedule a meeting with Kristian

Kristian is the User Services Coordinator and the dedicated librarian for the School for Advanced Digital Technology.

School for Advanced Digital Technology guides and e-resources

Luke MaloneLuke Malone

Phone: 403.284.7387
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC121

Schedule a meeting with Luke

Luke is the Collection Development Librarian and the dedicated librarian for the School of Business.

School of Business guides and e-resources

Jessica NormanJessica Norman

Phone: 403.210.4073
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC113

Schedule a meeting with Jessica

Jessica is the OER Librarian and the dedicated librarian for the School of Construction and the School of Manufacturing and Automation.

School of Construction guides and e-resources

David LaytonDavid Layton

Phone: 403.284.7368
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC123

Schedule a meeting with David

David is the Copyright Librarian and the dedicated librarian for the School of Health and Public Safety.

School of Health and Public Safety guides and e-resources

Kelley WadsonKelley Wadson

Phone: 403.284.8476
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC129

Schedule a meeting with Kelley

Kelley is the Research and Instruction Librarian and the dedicated librarian for the School of Hospitality and Tourism.

School of Hospitality and Tourism guides and e-resources

Jessica NormanJessica Norman

Phone: 403.210.4073
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC113

Schedule a meeting with Jessica

Jessica is the OER Librarian and the dedicated librarian for the School of Construction and the School of Manufacturing and Automation.

School of Manufacturing and Automation guides and e-resources

AnneMarie de GrootAnneMarie de Groot

Phone: 403.284.8431
Room: Stan Grad Centre, MC115

Schedule a meeting with AnneMarie

AnneMarie is the Technical Services Coordinator and the dedicated librarian for the School of Transportation.

School of Transportation guides and e-resources

Kevin TannerKevin Tanner

Kevin is currently on leave. Contact for assistance.

Academic Support guides and e-resources

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Reg Erhardt Library

MC111, Stan Grad Centre,
SAIT Main Campus

Hours of operation
a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.