Reg Erhardt Library Code of Conduct

Library staff will:

  • treat all users with respect and courtesy
  • provide friendly, efficient and expert service
  • provide a safe and clean environment for shared use by everyone
  • provide a variety of study spaces and equipment to meet the learning needs of users
  • respond to user concerns in a timely manner
  • apply the Code of Conduct equitably.

Library users will:

  • treat other users and the library staff with respect and courtesy
  • refrain from disruptive, offensive or inappropriate behaviour* or language
  • use library spaces for academic or professional purposes
  • leave the library for social activities including cards or games
  • be responsible for personal belongings and keep personal items with them
  • use headphones when listening to audio
  • clear their workspace of garbage and recyclables before leaving the space
  • leave the furniture, equipment and facilities in good condition for the next person’s use
  • return borrowed materials on time and in the same condition as when borrowed
  • keep noise to a minimum in the Level-0 Quiet Individual Study area
  • ensure that exits and aisles are not blocked so others can move around freely
  • use the computers and wireless access in a manner that complies with the SAIT Computer Use Policy
  • leave the library promptly at closing time
  • comply with the directives of library staff, campus security and other SAIT officials.

*Including but not limited to excessive noise, rowdiness, abusive remarks directed at staff or other library users, and loitering or otherwise obstructing access to library resources or spaces.

Library policies

There are several spaces within the library students can book for individual and group study.

To submit your space booking, you must have an email address.  After you select a space and time, you will be forwarded to the Microsoft 365 login page to sign in with your SAIT email credentials ( and may have to complete an MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication). See the Multi-factor Authentication Set Up Guide and FAQ for more information.

Study rooms

Book a study room

SAIT students may use the library's study rooms for individual or group study. There are 11 study rooms available, four on Level 1 and seven on Level 0. Study rooms each have a:

  • Large screen monitor
  • Computer workstation (being removed March 2025)
  • HDMI cable to connect your own device to the monitor
  • Whiteboard and markers

You may book up to 2 hours per week (Open Monday - Saturday), during library hours. Multiple bookings by one person on the same day must have a minimum of 1 hour between them.

Students who make bookings they no longer require should cancel their bookings using the link in their booking confirmation email. Cancelled bookings do not count against a student's two hours per week allotment.

Bookings that do not comply with library policies may be cancelled without notice.


Study rooms are located in both the collaborative and quiet individual study areas. When traveling to or from a study room, you must abide by the noise policies for that area of the library (whether on Level 1 or Leve 0) as you pass through it.

While within study rooms you may converse or play audio at a reasonable level. However, study rooms are not sound-proofed and so noise must be kept to a level that does not cause disruption to library users outside your room.

Maximum occupancy

Study rooms have varying occupancy limits, as noted in the additional information for each room on the room booking calendar.

Checking in

Be sure to check in with the 3-character check-in code included in your confirmation and reminder emails. You can check in with the link in your confirmation or reminder emails or the QR code by the study room's door.

You have 15 minutes from the booking's start time to confirm you are using the room. After 15 minutes, if you haven't checked in or occupied the room, we may cancel your booking so that the room is available for other students to book.

Drop-in use

Students may use study rooms on a drop-in basis, subject to the following rules:

  • A drop-in user cannot request that anyone already occupying a room leave.
  • Drop-in users must leave immediately when a student with a booking arrives at the room.

Individual Spaces

Book a station

Book a booth

SAIT students may book time for individual study at select computer workstations, study carrels and the new individual study booth.

The bookable workstations are located at:

  • The wavetable across from the information desk, near Study Room 1. There are two accessibility workstations.
  • The wavetable along the east wall of Level-1, near Printer 2. This table has two scanner workstations and four GIS/CAD workstations.

The bookable study carrels are intended for single-use and provide a bit more separation from other patrons compared to other seating in the library. No group work or talking is permitted in the Focus Area as it is within the quiet individual study area on Level 0. They are located:

  • On Level 0 in the southeast corner behind the Library Classroom. Carrels along the wall have power and network outlets.

The workstations and carrels may be booked up to 3 hours per day, during library hours.

The individual study booth is located on the east wall of Level-1 near the fiction collection. It can be booked up to 3 hours per week (Monday to Saturday), during library hours.

Students who make bookings they no longer require should cancel their bookings using the link in their booking confirmation email. Cancelled bookings do not count against a student's time allotment.

Bookings that do not comply with library policies may be cancelled without notice.

Checking in

Be sure to check in with the 3-character check-in code included in your confirmation and reminder emails. You can check in with the link in your confirmation or reminder emails or the QR code by your space.

You have 15 minutes from the booking's start time to confirm you are using the space. After 15 minutes, if you haven't checked in or occupied the space, we may cancel your booking so that the space is available for other students to book.

Drop-in use

Students may use any of these spaces on a drop-in basis, subject to the following rules:

  • A drop-in user cannot request that anyone already occupying a space leave.
  • Drop-in users must leave immediately when a student with a booking arrives at the space.

You may borrow a variety of materials from the library. The tables below outline the term of your loan and the types of materials available to you, based on your borrower type.

The loan periods will be shortened if they would extend beyond your library account's expiration date. Overdue fines apply all hours the library is open. Reloan period is the time between returning an item and being able to sign it out again.

Multi-part sets (such as laptop charging kits) must be complete when returned.

The maximum number of items you may have signed out at one time is limited by your borrower type:

  • SAIT students and staff: 20 items
  • Community: 5 items

Materials available to all borrowers

Terms of library loans for all borrowers
Item type Loan period Number of renewals Overdue fines Reloan period
Main collection* 4 weeks Community: 1
Students and Staff: 3
See note** 1 week
Course Text Collection (CTC) 4 hours no renewals $2.00/hour 1 hour
Equipment 6 hours no renewals $2.00/hour 1 hour
Reference In-library use - exceptions at library's discretion At the library's discretion $0.50/hour At the library's discretion
Reserves - 4 hour 4 hours no renewals $2.00/hour 1 hour

*Main collection includes the following: Business Display, Display, English Language Foundations Collection, Fiction Collections, Level 0, Magazine Collection and Oversize Collection.

**Overdue fines on main collection items will not apply to current SAIT students and staff unless the item has been recalled for a request. Overdue fines on main collection items for community borrowers and recalled items will be $4.00/day.

Materials available to current SAIT staff and students

Terms of library loans for current SAIT staff and students
Item type Loan period Number of renewals Overdue fines Reloan period
Classroom Use Media Students: 4 hours
Staff: 7 days
Students: no renewals
Staff: 1
1 hour
Home Use Media 3 days 1 $4.00/day 1 day
Laptops same day*** no renewals $5.00/hour 1 hour
Laptop Accessories same day*** no renewals $2.00/hour 1 hour
Reserves - 3 day 3 days no renewals $4.00/day 1 day
Reserves - 1 week 1 week no renewals $4.00/day 1 day

*** Same day loans are due before close on the day borrowed.


The library sends a variety of notifications via email regarding borrowing, such as recall notifications and due date reminders. It is the borrower's responsibility to access these notifications and act on them, if needed.

For SAIT students and staff, these messages go to your SAIT email address. For community borrowers, the messages will go to the email address on your library account.


The request system allows borrowers with an active library account to request items be held for pick-up at our Information Desk.

  1. Use Library Search to find your book or item.
  2. Click on the title of the item you want to request.
  3. Sign in to your Library Account, if not already signed in (log-in help).
  4. Click "Request" under the "Get It" heading.
    • If there's no "Request" link, then requests are not allowed for that item.
  5. Click "Send Request".

You will be notified by email when your item is ready to be picked up. Once you've been notified that your request is available, you'll have 7 days to pick it up. After that, the item goes to the next person in the request queue or back to the shelf.

If the item you've requested is out to another borrower, an email notification will be sent to that person. After the recall notification has been sent out, they will have until their current due date or 14 days (whichever is shorter) to return the item. After the recall due date, daily overdue fines will be charged to all patrons.

If you need further assistance with requests, contact us.


Renewing a book, or other material, allows you to keep borrowed materials for an additional loan period. Borrowers may not renew library materials if:

  • Borrowing privileges have been suspended due to outstanding fines, overdue material or other charges.
  • Another person has requested that item.
  • The renewal would exceed that item type's number of renewals.

Items that have reached their renewal limit must be returned to the library. After the reloan period, if no one else has taken or requested the item, you may borrow it again.

You can renew materials by contacting us or via My Library Account.

Returns and late fees

You may return material to the Information Desk or use the drop slot inside the Stan Grad Centre's southeast doors. Returns should be made before the due date or time.

Many items do not accumulate late fines unless they are past the recall due date, but we may charge replacement costs for items more than 30 days overdue. If an item is recalled due to a request, you will have until your current due date or 14 days (whichever is shorter) to return the item after which late fines will apply.

All users with fines in excess of $10.00 will have their borrowing privileges suspended. Students with outstanding fines or other charges will have holds placed on their accounts with the Office of the Registrar, preventing registration and the release of diplomas or transcripts. Delinquent accounts for all borrowers may be referred to a collection agency or banned from further borrowing.

You can pay fines and other library charges at the Information Desk. We accept credit card and debit card payments. Credit card payments can be made over the phone.

Lost or damaged materials

If you lose or damage an item borrowed from the library, notify us as soon as possible. The charge for a lost or damaged item is overdue fines + replacement cost of the item.

Students with outstanding replacement charges will have holds placed on their accounts with the Office of the Registrar. Delinquent accounts for all borrowers may be referred to a collection agency or banned from further borrowing.

Liability for electronic accessories

The library provides a variety of adaptors, power supplies and other items to borrowers for use with their electronic devices. It is the borrower's responsibility to ensure that these items - particularly third-party adaptors and power supplies - are compatible with their device. The library cannot be held responsible for damage to a borrower's own device, loss of data or other losses due to the use of the library's electronic devices.

Appealing fines and charges

If you have outstanding fines or charges, we encourage you to discuss your situation with us. We want to work with you toward an equitable solution.

Note that frontline staff are not empowered to waive fines or make other accommodations. Email or visit the Information Desk and you'll be put in touch with someone who can help.

You are expected to have footwear on, at all times, within the library. Clothing should be appropriate for a public, academically-oriented mixed-use space, shared with diverse users.

The Collection has been established at the Reg Erhardt Library to provide users with equitable access to subject-specific materials relevant to SAIT programs and schools. The Collection evolves in close alignment with SAIT's strategic priorities and values, serving as a living, highly adaptable entity, usage being a key principle. For details view the full Reg Erhardt Library Collection Development Guidelines.

Suggest a resource

The Library Community Room (MC008A) is available at no cost to registered SAITSA student clubs who require a medium-sized venue for meetings or events.

Book the Community Room

Terms of use

Clubs and any guests must comply with all library policies and SAIT policies.

For-profit activities are not permitted: No entrance or admission fees may be charged. No products or services may be solicited or sold. No fundraising activities may take place.

The Community Room can only be booked by clubs for use during regular library hours and within the following times:

  • Monday - Friday: 4:00 pm – 30 minutes before close
  • Saturday: 10:00 am – 30 minutes before close

The Community Room cannot be used by clubs when the library is closed.

Clubs can book up to six months in advance and can request recurring bookings.

Events in the Community Room must have a minimum of 5 members and a maximum of 32. For smaller groups, we recommend booking a Library Study Room.

Priority is given to library staff meetings and events. The library reserves the right to cancel bookings and review use of the Community Room to ensure fair and equitable access.

The Community Room must be tidied, garbage disposed of and tables, chairs and other furnishings returned to the places in which they were found. The computer in this room only accepts staff login credentials and so the computer and monitor in this room are not available to students.

The Community Room is located in the quiet individual study area. When traveling to or from the Community Room, you must abide by the noise policy for that area as you pass through it. While within the Community Room, you may converse or play audio at a reasonable level. However, the Community Room is not sound-proofed and so noise must be kept to a level that does not cause disruption to library users outside the room.

Failure to comply with these terms of use, or directives from library staff, may result in the cancellation of future bookings and loss of access to the Community Room. If a violation or disruption by a club is significant, the library may also report students to the Office of Community Conduct.


Questions about the use of the Community Room can be directed to

A courtesy phone is available for use by all patrons. Patrons using the phone are asked to keep their conversations under five minutes and speak in a low tone of voice.

This phone cannot be used to receive calls or contact long-distance numbers.

Independent contractors teaching classes or doing course development are allowed to access online resources and borrow materials from the Reg Erhardt Library.

To apply for library privileges fill out and submit the Request Contractor Privileges form.

Note: this form is only to be used for those independent contractors who are not paid through Employee Services payroll.

Food and drinks are permitted in the library on the condition that they do not disrupt academic activities.

Patrons are responsible for disposing of recycling, compost and trash in the appropriate bins throughout the library.

For additional details, please visit our FAQ.

The library has instructional DVDs available for use in class by SAIT faculty. Instructors can pre-book Instructional DVDs and pick them up from the Information Desk.

Students can borrow but not pre-book Instructional DVDs.

Borrowing an Instructional DVD

Faculty and staff may pre-book instructional DVDs for classroom use or review. To make a booking, use the Request feature in library search or visit the Information Desk.

Video Services
Phone: 403.284.8431

If booked at least two business days in advance of your need, the item will be put aside for pick-up at the Information Desk. For special arrangements, such as a second party pick up or extended bookings, contact Videos Services directly by phone or email.

Return your video to the Information Desk. After hours, you may use the book drop near the library's south entrance.

Request an interlibrary loan

If you need a book, article or another resource not available in our collections, our interlibrary loan service can meet your need by requesting that item from another library. This service is freely available to SAIT students, staff and faculty.


  • Must be for your own personal use only. Reproductions of interlibrary loans or access sharing are not allowed
  • Requests for items already held by the library will not be fulfilled. If an item is out to another patron, you can instead place a borrowing materials request for most items in our collection and be notified when the item is available.
  • You may have up to five books from other libraries requested or in use at any one time
  • Renewals may be allowed at the discretion of the lending institution. Contact at least two business days prior to your due date to request a renewal. If your item says NO RENEWALS on the book and wrapped around the book, renewals will not be allowed.
  • Items may be recalled at the discretion of the lending library.
  • Academic requests will be given priority.
  • The library relies on maintaining good relations with partner institutions to sustain this service, including returning items to the lending library in a timely manner. Borrowers who are consistently unable to follow these guidelines may have their interlibrary loan privileges suspended.

Return books to the Reg Erhardt Library Information Desk. You can keep article reproductions. Charges may apply for late, damaged or lost items.

If you want to borrow a book from a library in Calgary, The Alberta Library (TAL) Card is also available.

Interlibrary loans for libraries

SAIT's Reg Erhardt Library will copy or loan materials to other libraries. Requests must be made by library staff.

Generally, outgoing interlibrary loans are subject to the following terms:

  • Loan period: 3 weeks for books
    Renewals: on request
  • Charges to for-profit libraries:
    • Loans: $15 / item
    • Photocopies: $15 first 20 pages, $1 / additional page
    • Replacement: cost of item + $10 service charge

Charges to for-profit libraries are invoiced annually.

Interlibrary loans - Reg Erhardt Library

Phone: 403.284.8411
Phone: 403.284.8619 (fax)
Library symbol: ACSA

The Reg Erhardt Library has a variety of library cards for use by our patrons. All borrowers must have a current library account to borrow materials and access other resources.

Borrowers can log into their library account to place requests, see return dates or (for students and staff) access e-resources. See the Library Accounts guide for more information.

You can see our lending rules on the borrowing materials policy. Borrowers using TAL Cards are referred to as Community Borrowers for lending and other policies.

SAIT eCard

The SAIT eCard is the preferred library card for use by SAIT students and staff to borrow materials from the library.

Part-time and distance students are entitled to a SAIT eCard from the eCard Office. The library may issue a temporary library card to part-time and distance students who cannot easily get a SAIT eCard. Contract staff and faculty may also be issued a temporary library card.

Expiry of eCard privileges

Students can access library resources while their classes are in session. Library privileges will expire on the last day of scheduled classes or upon withdrawal from SAIT.

Permanent staff and faculty retain library privileges until they leave SAIT.

Contract staff and faculty have library privileges for the period of their current contract.

For students, this may mean that you will lose library privileges while between classes or over the winter and summer breaks. For contract staff, you may have a lapse in access while waiting for Employee Services to complete your contract. Unfortunately, the library cannot extend library privileges beyond the expiry dates provided by the Office of the Registrar or Employee Services.

Community borrowers 

Community borrowers are people that are not currently students or staff members at SAIT but have borrowing privileges at the library. Community borrowers use The Alberta Library (TAL) card. 

To become a community borrower you must visit our Information Desk, in person, and provide:

  • A valid TAL Card
  • Proof of address (such as a driver's license)
  • A phone number
  • An email address 

Community borrowers can borrow most of our books and some small electronic items, like phone chargers. You are not able to borrow laptops or related peripherals. You must present your TAL card each time you borrow from us. See borrowing materials for lending rules, information on fines and more.

You also cannot access e-books or other e-resources from off-campus. Though, depending on licensing agreements with our vendors, many of those resources are available to you in the library. Other services, such as booking study rooms or interlibrary loans, are restricted to current SAIT students and staff.

You can check when items are due on your library account. When a community user account is created you will be given a temporary password for your online library account. When you log in to your account you will be prompted to choose a new password. After this the account is self-managed. Library staff cannot look up or reset your account password.  

You can check-in at the library's Information Desk and present a piece of ID to use one of our guest computers while visiting the library. Guest computer use is limited to a single session up to two hours per day. Community members may also freely access the SAIT Guest WiFi network.  Printing and copying are not available to community borrowers. 

Community membership expires on the date set on your TAL card or after one year, whichever is less. You can renew your community membership by presenting a valid TAL card.

Alumni card

Due to changes in on-campus operations, the Alumni Office is no longer issuing new Alumni Cards to SAIT graduates. If you would like to borrow from the Reg Erhardt Library, you can get The Alberta Library (TAL) card from most public and academic libraries in the province.

The Alberta Library (TAL) cards

The TAL Card allows users, sponsored by a home library, to borrow materials from libraries across Alberta. You may return materials borrowed with your TAL Card to any member library. You can get a TAL Card from any participating library in Alberta if you are already a member there.

Current SAIT faculty, staff and students in good standing are eligible for a TAL Card they can use at participating libraries. To register, bring your SAIT e-Card to the library's Information Desk. Each library has slightly different rules regarding TAL borrowers. Be sure to check on borrowing policies at the library you are borrowing from. You are responsible for any materials borrowed from a TAL library. Fines and other charges must be paid directly to the library from which the material was borrowed.

The Reg Erhardt Library is a place for both group and individual study. There will always be a certain amount of noise in the library.

Except for within study rooms, you must use headphones when listening to audio inside the library.

Level 1 - Collaborative study

The main floor of the library is a collaborative workspace and has seating for both individuals and groups.

You may converse with colleagues in this area. Conversations should not be so loud as to disrupt the work of others.

Level 0 - Quiet individual study

The basement of the library — outside of study rooms — has been designated for quiet individual study. There is no seating in this area suitable for group work or collaboration. Library users are not allowed to carry on conversations, take calls, participate in online classes or meetings, collaborate with colleagues or otherwise create sustained noise — however quiet — while in this area.

Some essential library activities also occur in the individual quiet study area (such as students looking for books and staff reshelving materials). Patrons and staff must make a reasonable effort to minimize noise related to these activities while in this area.

Study rooms

Study rooms are located in both the collaborative and quiet individual study areas. When traveling to or from a study room, you must abide by the noise policies for that area of the library (whether on Level 1 or Level 0) as you pass through it.

While within study rooms you may converse or play audio at a reasonable level. However, study rooms are not sound-proofed and so noise must be kept to a level that does not cause disruption to library users outside your room.

The Reg Erhardt Library licenses many e-resources (article databases, datasheets, e-books and more) for use by the SAIT community, meaning:

  • currently enrolled students
  • currently employed staff and faculty.

Use of Reg Erhardt Library e-resources is subject to the Canadian Copyright Act and to SAIT's Copyright of External Materials Policy AC.2.12 and Copyright of External Materials Procedure AC.2.12.1. Some e-resources may have additional terms or conditions set in the license signed between the vendor and the library.

Generally, you may:

  • Print or download a copy of an article.
  • Use licensed material for research, instruction or educational purposes.
  • Share an article with a fellow member of the SAIT community.
  • Post links to licensed material in D2L, an email or similar document for use by members of the SAIT community.

Additional privileges or restrictions may be noted on individual e-resources.

For more information on copyright, particularly its impact on teaching and the development of SAIT-branded documents, contact

Recording in the library (audio, video or photography) for personal use is permitted. Patrons must not directly record the activities of other patrons, nor interfere with their use of the Library through their recordings.

Recording by external groups or individuals, or for commercial purposes, must be cleared through SAIT’s Conference Services team.

Recording for academic purposes – such as, for an assignment in a SAIT course – must be cleared through the Library’s User Services Coordinator. This approval is required to ensure students can complete the recording required by their course work, while minimizing disruptions to patrons in the Library and preserving patrons’ privacy.

Request permission to record by submitting a request form at least 3 business days before your desired start of work. You’ll typically hear back within 2 business days of placing your request.

Request an item be placed on reserve

Reserves is a collection of high demand or specialized materials (including course textbooks) set aside from our regular collections. Users must ask for reserve items at the Library's Information Desk.

Reserve material should be returned to a staff member at the Information Desk.

Reserve services for faculty

Instructors can ask for any item held by the library to be placed on reserve. They can also provide personal or department copies of resources for the reserve collection.

Reserves benefit students by ensuring that high-demand readings are available to the maximum number of users. Reserves benefit instructors by providing control over materials and clear usage information.

Reserves service can be reached at:

Placing an item on reserve

New reserves will be available to students two business days after the material is received by the library. The following guidelines apply to all reserve requests:

  • The material will be held in reserves for no more than one year.
  • A maximum of three copies of work or title will be placed on reserve.
  • Reference materials and Instructional DVDs cannot be placed in reserve
  • The library is unable to restrict use to a particular class.

Faculty or academic departments that place their own materials in Reserves should also be aware that:

  • The library is not responsible for loss or damage to reserve materials.
  • Materials must be originals or have proper copyright/licensing clearance.
  • The library may, at our discretion, refuse to place certain materials on reserve.

In line with AC.3.4.2 Student Rights and Responsibilities, section B.2.b, children under the age of 14 cannot be in the library unless accompanied by an adult.

Items left unattended for an extended period may be moved to the side or taken to Campus Security so that others may make use of the study space.

Library staff are not responsible for loss or damage to personal belongings left unattended in the library or removed by staff.

The Reg Erhardt Library is a modern learning and research centre providing numerous computer workstations and network access to our patrons.

The library's computer workstations and laptops are intended for academic use. Priority is given to SAIT students, staff, and faculty who are using the workstations for academic activities, and use may be restricted to this purpose during periods of high demand.

Use of the wifi network by the SAIT community and guests is subject to the same terms of acceptable use as library computers. For assistance with setting up wi-fi, see Network and Wifi Access.

Saving files

Files must be saved on:

  • a personal storage device, such as a USB drive,
  • a cloud platform, such as OneDrive or BrightSpace, or
  • a network drive, usually O: drive for SAIT students and staff.

Any personal files left on workstation hard drives are removed on log out. Workstations will log out after a period of inactivity. Please save your work often, as the library is not responsible for data lost due to human error or system failure.

USB drives

Due to security concerns, the Library staff will not use USB drives offered by students. If you need to transfer a file to a staff member, use email or cloud storage instead. Library staff are also unable to provide USB drives to users.


The library workstations have common applications including Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud applications. Peripherals like webcams and headphones can be borrowed at the information desk. You can use your own headphones and USB drives. You cannot install your own software.

Copyright infringement and illegal downloading

Learn about SAIT’s policies and obligations regarding copyright infringement and illegal downloading.

Guest use of computers and wifi

The term "guest" refers to library visitors who are not current SAIT students, faculty or staff and who, therefore, lack their own network credentials.

Guest computer access

The library has eight combination guest/student workstations including two disability priority workstations. Students have priority access. Guests will vacate their workstations if a student requires access.

Guest use is limited to one daily log-in, for a maximum of two hours and may be restricted further at busy times. The two-hour daily guest access maximum cannot be split into multiple visits.

Guests must sign in at the Information Desk and show staff an identification card or document that includes the guest's name and the name of the issuing agency, such as:

  • driver's license
  • student ID card from another institution
  • charitable society ID card
  • passport.

Library staff will log guests onto workstations. The guest login password is confidential and available only to library staff.

Note that guests are unable to print or scan at the Library.

Guest wireless access

Visitors to the Reg Erhardt Library, who do not have SAIT network credentials and need wireless internet access, can connect to the Sait Guest Network (sait-guest).

If you are a member of an Eduroam campus, you may access that network while at SAIT.

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a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.