Exam types for current students

Exams with accommodations

Students registered with Accessibility Services that have a valid accommodation memo and are registered into a SAIT program, have the option to write with testing services if their accommodations cannot be met writing in class.

Visit Accessibility Services to learn more about accommodations and the exam process.

Students are responsible for notifying their instructor of their required accommodations in advance, to discuss options for writing their exams.

Challenge exams

Challenge exams are organized through your SAIT school or department, please contact them for further details.

Off-campus exams

Testing Services does not oversee exams written off-campus for SAIT students. Please speak with your instructor to arrange for accommodations outside of SAIT.

How to book your exam

🚨 Testing Services now has two different booking links - one for students with accommodations and one for the rest of the exams. Please make sure to use the correct link when booking your exam.

To book an accommodated exam, you will need to sign in with your SAIT email address to ensure that your accommodations are visible in Step 7. You must book at least 96 hours before the exam date and start time.

If you are trying to book an exam and do not have an account or exam accommodations book at the link below or email us.

If your instructor's name is not listed, please contact your instructor.

Book an exam with accommodations

Book an exam with no accommodations*

*Exam options include makeup or deferral, supplemental or remedy, placement tests, and external exams.

Testing Services hours of operation

The following hours are effective Sept. 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025.

Day Invigilation hours Last exam start time Last exam end time
Monday through Friday 7:30 am - 7:30 pm 6 pm 7:30 pm
Saturday/Sunday/Statutory holidays* CLOSED n/a n/a

*See important dates for a list of upcoming holidays and closures.

The following hours are effective Sept. 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025.

Day Invigilation hours Last exam start time Last exam end time
Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 7:30 pm 6 pm 7:30 pm
Friday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm 4 pm 5:30 pm

9 am - 3:30 pm*

*Closed on long weekends

2 pm 3:30 pm
Sunday/Statutory holidays* CLOSED n/a n/a

*See important dates for a list of upcoming holidays and closures.

Check out our new testing centre

Follow along as Anushka, a LEADS student, shows us the way to the new Testing Centre in KA301, Johnson Cobbe #HereAtSAIT. 

What to expect when writing an exam

Our classroom-based testing environment is video-monitored, and our computers are equipped to monitor activity, restrict access (e.g., lockdown browser) and help ensure exam integrity.

Testing Services requires valid government or SAIT-issued photo identification such as;

  • SAIT ID card
  • Driver's license
  • Passport

If you are writing an external exam, additional ID aside from government or institution-issued identification may be required. Please check with your company or institution and come prepared.

Cellphones are prohibited for use in Testing Services.

Permitted materials are as followed (but not limited to):

  • exam-specific materials authorized by an instructor (i.e calculator, formula sheet)
  • clear, resealable drinking container
  • items identified in your accommodation memo
  • religious headgear

Not permitted:

  • watches of any kind
  • any gadget with Bluetooth capabilities
  • unauthorized materials such as class notes or textbooks, unless the exam instructions explicitly state that these items are allowed
  • food (unless medically required with documentation in place)
  • scents and fragrances
  • hats or toques

Friends, family, guests or children are not permitted to enter the testing room at any time, please have them wait outside and arrange for childcare before writing your exam.

If you have questions regarding permitted exam materials, please contact your instructor, institution or company.

Please arrive 15 minutes before your booked exam start time.

If you arrive later than 30 minutes, you will be required to contact your instructor to reschedule.

If you have documented disabilities and require accommodations for your exam, please contact Accessibility Services.

External exams

An external exam that comes from another institution or company other than SAIT requires a SAIT invigilator or proctor for supervision.

Testing Services will distribute, invigilate and collect exams for external organizations and other universities and colleges.

Please be advised that individual institutions make use of SAIT facilities but may not work in collaboration with the Testing Centre.

Arranging your external exam

Confirm with your institution or company that you wish to write an exam at SAIT. Please follow the steps and requirements needed for taking an external exam by your institution before contacting Testing Services with your request.

Email us at external.exams@sait.ca with the following information:

  • examinee name
  • examinee contact information
  • institution name
  • institution student ID # (if applicable)
  • exam name
  • course code (if applicable)
  • whether the exam is online or paper-based
  • any required materials (if applicable)
  • any additional details regarding your exam (if applicable)
  • requested exam date
  • requested exam time
  • length of exam

Please include all documents or proctor forms from your institution that need to be completed by Testing Services in your email.

You will receive an email response within five business days and we will advise you of any issues or concerns at that time. We ask that all exam requests be sent with 10 business days' notice to ensure we have enough time to process your request. Requests sent less than five business days before the requested writing date will be rejected.

If your request is accepted, exam delivery must be arranged by you and your institution, this includes the return of all documents and proctor forms to your exam coordinator at your institution and any costs associated. Please note that when we accept your exam booking request, this does not confirm that your exam is available at our institution, we are only confirming that your seat is booked within our centre. Please ensure to contact your institution or company to confirm the delivery status of your exam.

There is a $105.00 sitting fee per exam to be paid at the time of check-in (if applicable).

If any paper documents are to be returned to your institution by mail, Testing Services must be provided with a pre-paid courier envelope as per your institution's requirements, before we release your exam. Testing Services will not cover courier or mailing fees in the event incorrect postage or envelopes are provided.

Please note: Testing Services is not responsible for any courier fees associated with external exams.

Testing Services does not keep copies of completed external exams. Completed exams that require courier delivery will be provided by the student or institution. We are not liable for exams lost due to shipping issues.

We abide by the following policies:

Contact us

Testing Services

Accommodated Testing Centre

Johnson Cobbe KA301


PH: 403-284-8880

Non-Accommodated Testing Centre

Stan Grad MC221


PH: 403-210-4283

a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta.
