Get your study on: Four tips from two SAIT students

Set yourself up for success during finals
Set yourself up for success during finals

Roommates Arth Limbachiya (Chemical Engineering Technology) and Ravi Gandhi (Power Engineering Technology) are about to wrap up their final semester #HereAtSAIT and share what works for them during crunch time.

Find your prime time and create a schedule ⌚

Arth: I’m a night owl and prefer studying at night. I put all my social media notifications on mute as they distract me the most. My focus span lasts around 30 minutes at a time, after that I usually take a five-minute break to listen to some songs or stretch and then continue studying. During finals, I make a schedule for each subject and try to complete studying well before the scheduled time is up, so I can use those final minutes to review parts that may not have stuck.   

Ravi: For me, early morning is the best time to study because my mind is fresh, and I can easily remember test-prep questions and chapter notes. I always prefer to have a cup of tea to help me stay energized and focused. For finals, it helps if I make a daily schedule so I can cover everything in a desired time. Unlike Arth, I prefer to not take breaks until I finish my scheduled portion of study and will take a longer break once I’m done.

Develop your own study notes 📝

Arth: While professors are teaching in class, I put together important topics into my own words so that I can understand the material better. I’ll also study differently depending on the subject — sometimes it may look like creating flashcards or flowcharts. This way I can review and remember in a way that works for me.  

Ravi: Before COVID-19, I used to make flashcards while I was attending a class to help with studying in the future. Since classes have shifted online, most of the lectures are recorded and I can watch the recording as many times as I need and make notes anywhere and at any time.

Join or organize a study group

Arth: I personally like studying with my classmates. We usually do a Zoom meeting where we discuss and review different topics.

Ravi: Sometimes during group study, socializing can take over, so I usually prefer to study alone. But if I ever have any questions or concerns, I will reach out to my classmates because they may have unique studying techniques that can help me to get a more varied understanding of the question or concept. 

Get some solid rest 💤

Arth: At least getting six to seven hours of sleep is best for me. I try to ignore my phone, especially social media as it consumes more time than expected before going to sleep. I trade in scrolling on social media to meditating for 10 – 15 minutes using the headversity app — it’s awesome and it’s free for SAIT students.

Ravi: Good sleep plays a very crucial role in my life. If I can’t get proper sleep, I cannot focus on any work and may also become grumpy. So, I always aim for seven to eight hours of sleep so I can really focus on my studies and achieve good grades during finals. And if it works out, I’ll try to have a nap in the afternoon to be well focused if I find myself studying during the evening.

Other ways to set yourself up for success for finals:

  • Look over the online learning tools and software used at SAIT to make sure you’re familiar with them, especially proctoring software if you’ll be doing online exams.
  • Check out more tips to study smart from the pros in Academic Coaching and get ready to write exams like a pro.
a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.