Our Graduate Employment survey is conducted annually with the most recent class of SAIT grads.

We conduct this survey to ensure our programs are relevant to industry and our graduates are finding success. We also want to help prospective students make informed decisions about their career paths.

2023 results

Consistent with the 2022 Graduate Employment study, almost all 2022/23 graduates (98%) were in the labour force (either employed or looking for work). Of these respondents, the majority (89%) were employed or had worked for three or more months before completing the survey. 

More than eight in ten graduates (81%) secured training-related jobs, constituting a two percentage point decrease from 2022.

The following indicators have also experienced changes over the last year’s results:

  • The annual median salary for full-time training-related employment has increased by $1,000 to $55,000.
  • 87% of graduates in training-related jobs have found full-time employment, a decrease of three percentage points.
  • The majority of graduates (93%) remained in the province for employment, an increase of three percentage points.
  • 11% of graduates are pursuing further education, constituting a one-percentage-point decrease over last year.

More than nine in ten pre-employment graduates (92%) found employment between nine and twelve months following graduation. This constitutes a seven percentage point decrease from the previous year. Of those employed, 86% have secured jobs related to their fields of study, 95% found full-time employment, and 94% were working within Alberta. 

2023 overall employment results by academic school

Survey response

Survey response rate
Academic school Number of graduates Number responding
School of Advanced Digital Technology 1,006 605
School of Business 1,560 908
School of Construction 490 336
MacPhail School of Energy 383 236
School of Health and Public Safety 849 567
School of Hospitality and Tourism 347 209
School of Manufacturing and Automation 281 186
School of Transportation 334 202
Overall 5,250 3,249

Employment rates

Graduate employment rates
Academic school In labour force Employment rate Total employed Employed Not employed Pursuing education
Training related Non-training related Seeking employment Not seeking employment
School of Advanced Digital Technology 585 75% 436 273 163 149 20 47
School of Business 892 91% 813 647 166 79 16 153
School of Construction 330 92% 302 262 40 28 6 18
MacPhail School of Energy 230 87% 201 172 29 29 6 19
School of Health and Public Safety 551 95% 522 470 52 29 16 69
School of Hospitality and Tourism 205 97% 199 181 18 6 4 14
School of Manufacturing and Automation 181 88% 159 122 37 22 5 28
School of Transportation 197 91% 180 155 25 17 5 10
Overall 3,171 89% 2,812 2,282 530 359 78 358

Salary statistics

Salary statistics
Academic school Mean annual salary Median annual salary Minimum annual salary Maximum annual salary
School of Advanced Digital Technology $58,148 $55,500 $23,400 $125,000
School of Business $57,871 $53,000 $24,000 $250,000
School of Construction $60,627 $60,000 $33,000 $118,250
MacPhail School of Energy $70,233 $65,000 $31,200 $240,000
School of Health and Public Safety $59,064 $57,000 $23,400 $149,000
School of Hospitality and Tourism $42,273 $39,000 $23,000 $104,000
School of Manufacturing and Automation $69,749 $62,000 $30,000 $230,000
School of Transportation $53,704 $49,960 $23,400 $130,000
Overall $59,053 $55,000 $23,000 $250,000

Additional statistics

Additional statistics related to 2023 graduates
Employment pattern
Employed 89%
Not employed 11%
Total employed
Training related 81%
Non-training related 19%
Training-related employment
Full-time employment 87%
Part-time employment 13%
Location of training-related employment
Calgary 79%
Within Alberta 14%
Outside Alberta 7%


Survey methodology


The study was conducted to: 

  • Determine the extent to which graduates from SAIT programs find employment, the type of employment and the level of starting salaries.
  • Assess the benefits and impact of participating in the Work Integrated Learning on future employment opportunities.
  • Gauge the satisfaction levels with various aspects of the educational experience at SAIT.


A list of 2022/23 graduates from SAIT programs was generated from Banner.

The graduate's name, information on program completed, contact information (telephone numbers and preferred email address) was provided.

Overall, the database included records on 5,477 graduates.

Timing and response rates

The survey was conducted between January 22 and May 6, 2024.

Responses were received from 3,249 credit program graduates (out of 5,250 credit graduate records), constituting a 62% response rate.

In addition, the survey was conducted with 135 pre-employment graduates (out of 227 pre-employment graduate records), resulting in a 59% response rate.

The margin of error overall is equal to +/- 1.04 percentage points at the 95% confidence level, with a finite population correction factor applied.


To compile the 2023 employment statistics, SAIT retained the services of Insightrix Research, an independent market research company. Academic Chairs notified graduates to expect the survey prior to the survey launch.

The survey was conducted online and by phone. Results were collected online for the first two weeks of the study. After that, non-respondents were contacted via telephone and/or SMS to maximize the response rate.

Respondents contacted via SMS were sent a link to complete the survey online. The three modes were conducted simultaneously for the remainder of the study. Overall, 21% of responses were collected by phone and the remaining 79% were collected via online methods.

A total of 129,072 contacts were made to graduated students via phone calls (39,152), email (61,660), or SMS (28,260). The maximum number of call attempts was 27. Additionally, graduates were emailed a total of 16 times, including reminders, during the course of the study.


The data were input into a database and analyzed. Survey results of those who responded to the survey were subsequently extrapolated to the entire population of graduates/completers.

Caution should be used when examining results by programs with fewer than 30 graduates. With smaller base sizes, the percentages may offer a distorted picture when one respondent represents more than 3% of the total respondent base.

Definitions used

  • In labour force: graduates who are employed or unemployed but looking for work.
  • Employed: graduates employed at the time of the survey, or had been employed prior to the survey for three or more months.
  • Employment rate: the number of employed graduates as a percentage of all those graduates who responded to the survey and were in labour force.
  • Training-related employment rate: the number of graduates employed in training-related jobs as a percentage of employed graduates.
  • Full-time employment: 30 or more hours of work per week.
  • Annualized salary: graduates were given a choice to provide salary information as annual or monthly income, daily or weekly earnings or hourly wages. If the response was provided in a unit other than the annual salary, the following calculations were used to derive respondents’ annualized salaries in full-time jobs.
    • Hourly wage X (hours worked per week) X 52
    • Daily wage X 5 (days a week) X 52
    • Weekly salary X 52
    • Bi-weekly salary X 26
    • Monthly salary X 12
All salaries above $100,000 per year and below $23,000 per year were double-verified with the respondent. Training-related salaries are not reported for programs with 5 or less responses.

Last updated June 2024

a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.